Gents, Great to see the impact of the players encouraging each other to reach the expectations with regards to on signing up for BLAST and DOWNLOADING THE APP! SPECIAL ACCOLADES to Noah Brown and Matthew Paull for getting 20 contacts entered already! Leading the way...Embrace competition- coach will reward the top guys! NEXT ACTION STEPS before the TEAM MEETING- 1- CLICK THE YELLOW INVITE SPONSORS BUTTON- and ensure that you enter contacts of Grandma, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, HS coaches, HS teachers, youth group leaders, business owners, trainers, etc...people that care about you and your experience in life. 2- Also, In your phone you have a picture of a your position group or your buddies from the that photo on the FEED for the team and TAG the team mates in it. 3- Ensure that your position group is on the Roster and if you see someone we are missing TEXT them asap and get them on! IF you need anything please feel free to reach out. Coach Creguer 989-400-7273