Good morning, Just in case you haven't checked the updates that have been posted in the calendar event on Blast -- here is the updated transportation information: - Meet at LHS at 6:15am. The bus will leave no later than 6:30am. All athletes are required to travel with the team to the Sectional meet. - There is NO RETURN BUS. Athletes will travel back in parents and coaches vehicles. The address for Central (Park Hills) High School is: 116 Rebel Drive, Park Hills, MO 63601. Here is the link to purchase the tickets for tomorrow's meet - they will not be taking cash - you must purchase an electronic ticket! - - Follow these steps to purchase the tickets after you click on the link: Click Track & Field --> Class 3 --> "Track & Field Class 3 & 4 Sectional 1 at Central (Park Hills). - Cost is $7 per person. Here is the link to find the live results tomorrow: **It is going to be HOT!! Please be drinking a lot of water today -- bring a big water bottle and some pickle juice if you have some!!** Please contact Coach B. Tripp or me with any questions!