Goddard Theatre Fundraiser

Welcome to our Blast Fundraiser! We are raising money to support the theatre department with expenses such as scripts, royalties and licensing of shows, costumes, dry cleaning, props, set building, lighting, sound and special effects. Money donated will help theatre at GHS and ensure that all students have equal opportunity for participation and success. Due to the pandemic, we cannot do traditional fundraising and our ticket sales have been dramatically reduced (which is where our funding comes from). In a normal year, donations can also be made to help scholarship students for the Kansas Thespian Festival and provide field trip opportunities for students.





Top Sponsors

Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Drew & Kristy Woodworth $100
Pamela becker $50
View All Sponsors (2)

From Our Sponsors

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How Blast Works


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Click the yellow donate button, then choose your favorite athlete to support and follow. You can also choose Team instead of a specific person.



Use your credit/debit card, or mail a check.


Weekly Updates

Receive weekly updates containing the content the team posted to Blast the previous week. This can include schedules, scores, videos, pictures, and more.

Want to Create Your Own Fundraiser?

Contact your Local Rep: