Hey Family now is the time for our first fundraiser of the season, it’s a popcorn sale as you all know. Competing is a lifestyle here not just with the boys but also with coaches & parents, now it’s time to compete! The player with most popcorn sold will be rewarded a free pair of custom cleats, 2nd and 3rd place will be rewarded a private workout in LSU in door facility along with 1st place. Players Jersey numbers will be selected in the order of sales. Ex: ( If John wants #3 but Jake sold $1 more popcorn than John #3 will be awarded to Jake, the only exemption from this rule is if a kid has missed practice he does not have first dibs on his jersey number unless he’s the #1 seller. Below is the information to our fundraising event please follow directions. * reminder that the first half of team fee is due this Sunday! PDF of letter will be attached. I set up a Double Good virtual fundraiser! It’s 100% contactless, we keep 50% of the profit and the product ships directly to the buyer. Each of us will create a Pop-Up Store and sell Double Good gourmet popcorn! Prices range from $16-$99. The popcorn is award-winning and really delicious! Our fundraising window begins on January 28, 2021, at 9:15 AM and goes until February 01, 2021, at 9:15 AM. Before the fundraiser begins: 1. Download the Double Good app 2. Enter our Event Code HJPQDO in the app 3. Create your Pop-Up Store The app is available for free on iOS and Android.