What an incredible turnout we had today for our Labor Day BBQ! It was great to see so many families come together for a good ol' fashioned Pot Luck & BBQ; with cornhole & volleyball, too! Let's give a BIG, BIG round of applause to Quennie Davis, who not only prepared all the meat, but worked that smoker like a BOSS! As always, Special thanks to the volunteers who did the setup, serve, clean up and break down! We have a full week of football with 2 home games; Frosh & Varsity vs. Centennial. That means, Friday Night Lights, baby! This week the theme is "CRIMSON!" Let's fill the stands with lots & lots of Crimson. * We're still looking for a few more bodies to help with helmets tomorrow. Please meet in the equipment room at 3:30pm or later, if you're available.* Hope you all had a great rest of the day and enjoyed what was left of the long weekend! #labordaybbq #jserrafootballfamily #lionpride GO LIONS Rosie Munro