Good morning, There are several athletes that are not Cleared on Athletic Clearance. 👉Please log into and see what you are missing. 🔵YOUR ATHLETE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN FOOTBALL OR SUMMER CAMP UNTIL CLEARED 🔵Please also get registered for Summer Camp and AOC. 🔵If you haven’t registered on Saugus Football site please do so ASAP I have attached links below👇 *All players need to register for Football Summer camp  ‪June 21-August 6th.‬ Store | SUMMER ATHLETICS *All athletes need to register  for Football  (2021 Player Registration) *AOC Click the link below to start the enrollment process.👇 and enter the enrollment code AOC2021. Lastly don’t forget about the book study this summer We will begin doing this book study on June 21. All players in our program must purchase a copy of the book for their respective grade level and bring each day to summer camp. All the books are by the same author, Jon Gordon. Again, each player does not need to buy all four books, just the book for their grade level. 9th Grade (incoming 9th): The Energy Bus 10th Grade (current 9): Training Camp 11th Grade (current 10): You Win in the Locker Room 12th Grade (current 11): The Power of Positive Leadership