Good Evening, There has been a few questions regarding enrollment. Elite has informed us that they will guarantee enrollment today, June 4th. Families should respond as soon as possible and fill out the interest form to guarantee enrollment. If a student is late, Elite will work to issue final links no later than Wednesday, June 9th. Parents are encouraged to contact admissions at 866-354-8302 for help. All enrollment paperwork must be completed by next Friday, June 11, 2021 to participate in the credit recovery acceleration learning period. Elite has assured us that they have sent emails to everyone who has signed up through their interest form, but emails may have been redirected to the parents spam folder. Parents are encouraged to call admissions at 866-354-8302 and they can re-issue the enrollment email and support you in answering any questions you may have. Click the link below to start the enrollment process.👇 and enter the enrollment code AOC2021. If your athlete is enrolled in OFL they can not be enrolled with AOC Please let myself or Michelle know if your athlete is enrolled with OFL Thank you!