OK Golden Bears, here is a huge fundraiser that we did last year and did an incredible job on in raising over 30K on and I feel we can do even better than that this year and raise 50K. It is super easy and we will begin next Monday June 21st and end next Month as we have 30 days to do. Right now I need each and everyone of you to get a list of 20 people you know, Parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, relatives, friends that are over 18 years old. We will be sending out the info asap and the idea is have those 20 people you know get 20 more people, etc to answer 50 surveys. Each survey is about 30 seconds to do. That is it. If everyone in our program can do this we can actually bring in about 50K for our program. This is huge. I will get more info soon and I need everyone to start putting your lists together asap. More to come Coach Espo