OK Bears, some of you are starting to pick up the pace but we are so far behind. Elsinore is 10,000 dollars ahead of us. We have only 101 people doing the surveys and only averaging 8 surveys done per person. We have 186 players in the program which means if we had every player get 20 people doing surveys we would have 3600 people doing surveys and that means if they did their 50 max surveys per we would have over 150,000 surveys done and that would give our program $60,000 free and clear. Guys we have 28 days to make this a reality and we can do it. Remember we have a contest going between the classes and there will be a prize for the winning class. Remember to write down the people you are asking to do this and get their email or cell, whichever they are using to do surveys, and we can credit you with the amount of surveys they do. Time is ticking Espo