Hello Centurion Football!!! We are ready to launch our Blast Fundraiser! A big U-C! U-KNOW! and Thank you to those who provided potential sponsor's contact information. It's NOT TOO LATE to still enter in your contacts or additional contacts. You can invite sponsors even after we launch. IMPORTANT: We still have players that do not have proper profile pictures. Please update those ASAP. Your sponsors want to see you on the roster in uniform and NOT the UC logo or you in front of the bathroom mirror. What does the Fundraiser look like and how does it work? Click on the below link to watch a video explanation: https://www.blastathletics.com/video_links/18296 Some parents have asked how they can support the team, other than inviting sponsors in Blast. Please find attached a Fundraising Letter that describes our needs with instructions on how to donate. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or our Booster Club President, Barbara Lockett. Thank you again and Go UC!