Good evening Rams, Tomorrow schedule is very weird, we have our 8th period football class in the morning (7:50am) and then our unscheduled 7th period to follow. We will not be doing anything football related in the football class. Students will sit in room 707 during 8th period then will be unscheduled for 7th period. If parents decide to send their kids to school following 7th period, 6th period starts promptly at 9:34am. Students WILL NOT be punished or miss anything if they do not attend the football class, however, they will be marked absent for 8th period. All varsity players must wear their game jersey tomorrow. Lastly, ALL football players must report to room 707 at 1:05pm (the start of lunch). Great win today for our frosh soph players. See you all tomorrow! WinTheDay