Hi Everyone, Our last Home game is this weekend 10/24, with that in mind we need volunteers and food donations. The Tiny Mites team has been asked to donate the following food : 2 12 packs of soda 24 Pack of water ( Lexi ) Dozen of donuts Dozen of donuts Dozen of muffins 2 packages English muffins ( Juiliana& Kaylana ) If there is a name besides one of the above items someone has already volunteered to bring it in. The slots the Tiny Mites need to fill for Volunteers is : 💵Gate 8am 💵Gate 8:30am 💵Gate 9 am 🍔🌭Concession 8:30am 🍔🌭Concession 9:00am 🧑🏻‍🍳Grill 8:30 Please let me know which slot and donation can be made and I will put you on the sign up sheet 😀 🧺🏕 Also if anyone still has any items for the raffle basket could you please bring it to practice tonight so I can start to put it together 🏕🧺 See everyone tonight at practice!!!! 📣 Go Schooners 📣