Saint Mary's Academy Girls Track & Field Fundraiser

To our family, friends, and support system, 2022 will be the first year we at St. Mary's Academy will have a full track and field season since the start of the pandemic. Yes, track is back! As we begin a new season, we are asking for your assistance in helping us obtain new uniform outer gear and athletic equipment bags. As always we endeavor to do our best in the classroom and on the track to represent ourselves, our school and you our supporters to the best of our abilities. Please help us to reach our goal by giving what you can. Many modest amount can add to more than one person's willingness or ability to give... You are our village. Thank you SMA Belles





Top Sponsors

Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Anonymous $500
Matt Whitcomb $500
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Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Octavia Davis $250


4 Donations

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