OK Bears due to a 90+percentage chance of rain tomorrow and lots of people still on vacation we are going to cancel tomorrows first club practice and see if i can do on maybe the 11th of January or later that week.

Now the BFS Clinic is mandatory for every athlete in the football program to show up and participate in. It will be on Saturday January 8 from noon till 4pm and Sunday from 8am till 3pm. This is costing us $10,000 to put on. So as you can see it is very important to our program's next step in development. We are going to have to work to get the funds through donations, fundraising and other means to raise about $100 per athlete. Please put this on your calendar and make it the highest priority to be there ready to learn and work hard. I expect 120+ players in our program to attend both days as well as our full coaching staff. Please respond that you got thus message and you will be there. Have a great New Years Weekend.
