Diamond Bar Girls Jr. Varsity Softball Fundraiser

Diamond Bar High School JV Softball provides a quality softball program each year to 15 - 20 young ladies, between the ages of 14 and 18. Our goal is to provide a fun and enriching experience that promotes teamwork, sportsmanship, playing skills, and dedication in and out of the classroom. The businesses, parents, family members, and friends of our communities are very important and we would not be able to run our organization without your support. Strong communities can only be built if they have a strong foundation of active, confident young ladies who are offered healthy choices. We encourage businesses, parents, family members and friends to help continue with a donation to our softball program to provide the most rewarding and positive experience for the players. Thank you!!!!


raised of $3,000 goal



Top Sponsors

Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Anonymous $375
Anonymous $250
View All Sponsors (2)

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James 🇺🇸 Brock
James 🇺🇸 Brock
(714) 728-7417
[email protected]