Coach Bios

Stephanie Larson
Head Coach
(910) 988-4075
My name is Stephanie Larson and I am one of the coaches for the Trojan Ski Team. I grew up a ski racer and began coaching skiing in college. I absolutely love sharing my joy for racing with all of the athletes.
Assistant coach with the team since the formation in 2019
Rhys Van Demark
Assistant Coach
(616) 822-3409
Assistant Coach Trojan Race Team- HS boys & girls Bittersweet Jr. Race Coach, ages 6-14 Bittersweet Ski School- PSIA certified instructor
Christopher Gielincki
Assistant Coach
(269) 509-2435
Assistant Coach Trojan CoOp Ski Team Bittersweet Junior Racers Coach Bittersweet Ski School- PSIA certified instructor

Team Admins

CoachTom Creguer
Fundraising Coordinator