18 Donations — $1,170.00 Total
David Breunig
7/31/2023  (Alumni)
Work your rear end off, leave everything on the field every day, and you’ll never be upset about the results.
Earl LeVoss
7/29/2023  (Alumni)
Pena Fam
7/28/2023  (Alumni)
Best of luck this season!
Juvenal B Lopez
7/23/2023  (Alumni)
Eagles in the third quarter 🏈
Juvenal B Lopez
7/23/2023  (Alumni)
Go La sierra eagles ! Jk, be safe out there bro, but if y’all lose to Lousy area then don’t call me nomore. jk love u
Terry Alexander
7/23/2023  (Alumni)
Joel Esparza
7/21/2023  (Alumni)
Let’s go team! Patrick Mahomes tended out an air b&b in AZ 3 months before the Super Bowl. Manifest your win team!
Salvador Duran
7/20/2023  (Alumni)
Eric lara
7/20/2023  (Alumni)
Goodluck Mason go gett'em!!!
Teri Tapia
7/12/2023  (Alumni)
I’m so proud of you! Kick butt on the field and in the classroom! I love you! Amma
Robert Jimenez
7/03/2023  (Alumni)
Hope you have a great football year.
Jeff Riley
7/03/2023  (Alumni)
Hey Jyden, I'll be there in the fall, rooting for you and the other Braves! Once a Brave, Always a Brave! Jeff Riley, '77
Harold Doshier
7/03/2023  (Alumni)
Kimberly Garcia
7/02/2023  (Alumni)
Let’s win it all, for ur brothers, ur family, but more importantly yourself, be proud, love you jr -ur fam bam 🫶🏽
Frank Macias
7/02/2023  (Alumni)
Julian Corey
7/02/2023  (Alumni)
Amelia Torres Corey
7/02/2023  (Alumni)
Once a Brave, Always a Brave!!
6/29/2023  (Alumni)