7 Donations — $480.00 Total
Nicole Johnson
10/15/2023  (Alumni)
Congratulations to you and your team!!!
Karen leones
10/12/2023  (Alumni)
Good luck team Poly! Go G!! Go Jack Rabbit!!!
Philip Yandall
10/06/2023  (Alumni)
Leafatiaitulagi β€˜Tati’ Yandall
9/27/2023  (Alumni)
Excited for your high school years to be spent at LB Poly! Keep on putting in work & have fun!! Love you my grown baby!πŸ₯Ή
Faifili Talaga
9/18/2023  (Alumni)
Good luck with your next game πŸ’ͺ🏽πŸ’ͺ🏽
Vera A Dashiell
9/11/2023  (Alumni)
Hey little girl have good time Playing. Win win !!