Noah Munoz
HS 2027
Whittier, CA


Contact: [email protected]

HS 2027
15 years old
Handed: Right Handed


About Me

I stay active never missing an opportunity to elevate and grow. I enjoy working out and embrace a healthy lifestyle at all times. I like a challenge to prove to myself "mind over matter" because I have been taught, if there is a will there is a way. I have 2 Sphynx cats named Bellatrix Lestrange and Khaleesi Nymeria. I will try any food delicacy from any culture. I am relentless and fear nothing at times, I put myself a positive headspace and take off from there. I enjoy hanging out and laughing a lot with my friends. I saved the best fact for last, family is everything to me. The love and support I receive is priceless.
