Norco Football Fundraiser

Welcome to NORCO HIGH SCHOOL Football! We want to thank you for your support, whether you are new to the NORCO FOOTBALL ๐Ÿˆ family or have been with us for a while. Your donations help our program remain competitive. Programs like ours cannot exist without financial support from our community, local businesses and our friends and family. By donating, you will become part of the NORCO HIGH Football ๐Ÿˆ community. We greatly appreciate your support! #WEARENORCO


raised of $45,000 goal




Recurring Donations ($30/mo)
Level # of Donations Amount
Friends & Family 420 Donations $35,625
Digital Ad Sales 1 Purchased $500

Top Sponsors

Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Robert Hicks $1,000
Christine Hicks $1,000
View All Sponsors (2)


Sponsor Name Donation Amount
Post and Jam LLC / Mandy Burley $125


6 Donations

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