Event MVP

Barbara DeGood
Caledonia Girls Skiing

February 23, 2022


Barbie had another great race and her 19points tonight has put her into the Caledonia Ski Team record book. In her career, she scored the 7th lowest point total (559 career conference points) of any Caledonia girl's team skiers. Congratulations Barbie on a great career!

Evalynn Schlett
Evie skied great for us last night! She placed 10th in slalom and 12th in GS. She has been a huge part of our teams success during her 4 years as a Scot. We are going to miss Evie next year!
Lydia Sowerby
Lydia placed 4th in slalom and 5th in GS in the B meet last night. She has really grown as a skier and we wish we had had her on the team for all four years but are happy that she joined this year. Lydia really pushed herself this season and has amazed us with her skiing.