Football Banquet (please check availability)

Event Feed


Please check the availability status to let us know if player and parent will be in attendance. We will have food, but please know that food is for counted for 1 player and 2 adults. If you plan to have more please let Katherine Canady know or myself. If you do not check the availability status we will not count you as participating. This will be an end-of-the-season celebration of our Seniors and Individual Awards Ceremony. Players will receive their Varsity Letter and or Bar for their accomplishments of meeting the 12 played varsity quarters during the season. Individual awards for: Team MVP Most Inspirational Most Improved Scout Team Player of Year "TROJANS BEST" Award Domino’s PIZZA TOP AWARD Offense of Player Defense of Player Special Team Player C-TEAM (offense & defense player of year) “GRIT” Player Award End of the year season stats will be available as well. The Topeka High Volleyball Team will be having their awards ceremony too. This is efforts to have greater visibility and share in the accomplishments our lady Trojans and men of Troy.