Parents, please keep up the fundraising. We are getting there, but honestly the level of participation is not where it should be. I know not everyone has the same contacts, but if you have not found a sponsor, you should continue trying! At the very least you should be selling a large number of raffle tickets and be present and involved at all fundraisers. It’s tough for the families who are involved and hustling to know some are not. This is not for us, it is for the kids. The more we can raise the more it will spread out and better time for all. If you already found a sponsor or two, please keep at it for those who can’t. It’s a team effort.

So, let’s go! The kids and coaches are doing what needs to be done on the field, please help with the off the field stuff.

We fully plan on winning a regional championship this weekend!! This will solidify our plans and things will begin to move very quickly.

Ps: We fly out in 22 days... let’s go!!