Hello and Happy New Year!!! I hope everyone had a great holiday season and some well deserved rest. I thought a lot about the season over the break and the time away helps to gain some perspective.

I am just so proud of the players and the team as a whole!! The 2019 Shadow Hills Knight's Jr. Midget Team had an 11 game winning streak, won a Super bowl and Regional Championship. Even though we didn't come home with a National Championship, we had a great season and a trip I (and hopefully the players as well) will remember forever!!. So proud to have coached these guys.

We will schedule the banquet soon. Probably will be towards the end of February or beginning of March. We are going to try and do something really nice!! Also, we have to order rings and that takes a little while. I was out of state for the holidays and just got back. I am working on the rings now. I need to get ring sizes for the players. I will coordinate that for when they drop off equipment. Look for those dates and I will reach out soon. Thanks again for allowing me to be a part of your kids lives!!!