Monday 11/26: 430-730. Wrestle offs
Tuesday 11/27: Tutoring 6th period Coach Paul's Classroom; 430-730 Bring running shoes
Wednesday 11/28 430-730 Bring running shoes. Time may change to after school. TBA
Thursday 11/29 430- 730pm
Friday 11/30 Westminster Tournament Getting out of class TBA, Weigh ins 11am to 12pm; Wrestling starts at 1pm. WEIGHT ALLOWANCE IS SCRATCH PLUS ONE. 107,114,121,127,133,139,146,153...ETC
Saturday 12/1 Westminster Tournament Weigh ins 7am to 8am, wrestling starts at 9am. WEIGHT ALLOWANCE IS SCRATCH PLUS TWO. 108,115, 122, 128,134, ETC.
(Freshman if you do not make it to the second day you will be going to Laguna Hills Freshman tournament no questions asked)