Lancers! Hope everyone is well as we continue to navigate through this time. Today CDC posted new guidance for resume to conditioning and practice, hopefully this Will continue and in the coming week or so we can return to our lifting program prior to the season. With this extra time before the season start I will start doing my player 1on1 meetings likely with zoom! I talk to players about their outlook on the season and how I can be of service to them and how they will grow within the program for football and non football growth. I have also submitted the calendar for practice leading up to our week 1 game on January 8th. Please keep in mind the time we will start practice will be during Christmas break, I will be getting the calendar out hopefully next week once it is approved. For players zoom meetings and in person meetings for play install and film will start August 18th if we are not back lifting by then. I will provide and schedule for that as well! Thanks for your continued patience!