Good news!

The LEUSD has granted permission for summer practices to begin on July 1st. With player and coach safety at a premium, it will come with strict guidelines that will make our experience new and exciting.

Now that we have a firm starting date (July 1st) that will postpone some of our previously projected dates, such as:

1. Frosh tryouts on 6/25 and 6/26. That has been rescheduled for 7/1 and 7/2. at 3:30 PM. You will get more info from Head Coach Kirschman in the days to come.

2. Team Meeting (all levels) on 6/27. That will be a virtual meeting (ZOOM) on the same day and time. 6/27 at 4 PM

3. First day or practice 6/29. Our new first day of practice is 7/1

At the 6/27 Team Meeting (all levels) I will cover all of the mandated guidelines, practice organization, and "need to knows" for our 2020 Summer Camp

In the meantime, the final step of registration for the AOC class its attached. This is for all player at all levels. For those of you who started the process, It seems repetitive, but I'm told this is the last step to official registration. For those of you who are new, this is the only step to complete.

The staff has much to do in preparation for July 1st...and so do you. Not because we have to...but because we get to!

Go Tigers!