Articles & MVPs


3B Barons 2022 3, DuBois Bucks 1
DuBois, PA — Excellent base-running execution, timed up with hitting and passion, helped the Barons grab enough runs to ensure a split in this Sunday’s twin bill against the D...
3B Barons 2022 3, DuBois Bucks 7
DuBois, PA — The Barons stranded five base-runners in scoring position during game one verse the DuBois Bucks. The Barons battled against tough pitching but, costly base-runni...
3B Barons 2022 14, Butler Blue Sox 0
Butler, PA — Ryan Gibbons carved into the Blue Sox line-up throwing a No-Hitter in his first start. The defense stepped up in multiple situations to help Gibbons maintain his ...
3B Barons 2022 14, Butler Blue Sox 3
Butler, PA — The Barons came out swinging and taking advantage on the bases. Anthony Ryan, Connor Evans, and Brady Hanson all scored 3 runs each for the Barons. Jake Vitale go...
3B Barons 2022 0, Cleveland B2 Bulls 6
Perry, OH — The Barons fought a tough pitching staff last night in Cleveland. However, the defense looked focused and showed grit keeping runners at bay and the score at a mi...